Špeciálne jednotky Slovenskej republiky

Emergency motorized units

Emergency motorized unit was established for more effective providing  tasks of Order police. Service is providing in all districts on Bratislava (and another regional  cities) territory 24 hours a  day. Main task is protecting citizens against attacks on their life, health,  freedom, property and dignity.  Providing service intervention against suspects after emergency call on  158 (112) line. During service duty monitoring for missing persons or items, helping  revealing crimes in progress.  Preventive and repressing activities against variety crimes, mainly  against crimes on streets and public places.  Helping on safety and fluency of traffic, cooperating with law  enforcement agencies , providing service interventions on guarded  buildings. EMU officers using this weaponry on duty: pistol “vz. 82” , submachine  gun “Skorpion mod. 61” , “mod. 58” Shotguns “Winchester Defender”,  bulletproof vests “Kirassa”, protective helmets and other service  instruments.

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