Špeciálne jednotky Slovenskej republiky

Monthly Archives: July 2013

Specialized criminal court process in which is charged total of 19 people was accompanied by stringent safety precautions. The court chamber nests about thirty members of ZVJS Response Team. One of accused did unexpected announcement to take agreement on guilt which can decrease his sentence. It’s Peter Martiska, which is accused not only for membership of criminal group but also drug crimes and racketeering. Pito’s group were well known for wearing army clothes and driving Mercedes G cars.

source (slovak language only): http://www.sme.sk/c/6861628/jeden-z-pitovcov-chce-spolupracovat-s-prokuraturou.html

Lynx Commando takes chief of Piestany city detectives into custody according TV Markiza. They took him out of his house in Sokolovce. Action took place in early morning hours in cities Piestany, Trnava, Hlohovec, Martin, Trencin and Velky Krtis. All have been prepared by National criminal agency. 150 police officers participated on it. Nine suspects were taken into custody. Accused detective is alleged to work with head of mafia in Nitra – Lubos Ferus.

source(slovak language only) + VIDEO: http://www.sme.sk/c/6857993/kuklaci-zadrzali-sefa-kriminalky-v-piestanoch.html

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